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Everything to Know About All-on-4 Dental Implants

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A close-up image of a hand showing off a lower arch of an all-on-4 dental implant on a white background.

Dealing with missing or damaged teeth can be extremely frustrating. It doesn’t just affect your smile—it can compromise the integrity of your overall health. If you’re facing this challenge, there’s a solution that could bring back your smile and improve your quality of life: all-on-4 dental implants.

All-on-4 implants are recommended when you need more than one dental implant. They can be an effective and long-lasting way to bring back your smile!

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium. When surgically implanted into the jawbone, these serve as a stable foundation for attaching future artificial teeth. Unlike dentures, dental implants provide a more natural look and feel to offer a long-lasting answer to many severe dental problems.

All-on-4 dental implants take this concept a step further. Instead of replacing each missing tooth with an individual implant, the all-on-4 technique uses 4 strategically placed implants to support an entire arch of teeth. This approach provides stability and distributes the pressure evenly across the jaw.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

When you’re living with missing or damaged teeth, it’s not just an aesthetic problem. With a gap in your teeth, you’re at a much higher risk of:

  • Bone loss as the jawbone can begin to deteriorate without stimulation from teeth 
  • Shifting of remaining teeth, causing misalignment and bite issues 
  • Difficulty chewing food properly, leading to digestive problems 
  • Speech difficulties due to missing teeth 
  • Decay, infection, and more

This is why implants are often recommended after a tooth is lost. These can help restore the integrity of your smile and prevent all kinds of problems. With implants, you can enjoy a natural-looking smile that looks, acts, and feels like your natural teeth.

Who Qualifies for All-on-4 Implants?

If you have missing or damaged teeth, the all-on-4 approach could be the answer you’ve been looking for. However, before scheduling your all-on-4 implant installation, you must visit an experienced dentist for a consultation appointment.

They’ll need to examine your teeth, mouth, and gums to determine whether or not this approach is safe and effective for your unique situation. 

Ideally, to qualify for an all-in-4 installation, you’ll need to:

  • Be in good overall health 
  • Have sufficient jawbone density to support the implants 
  • Maintain healthy gums free of periodontal disease 
  • Be free from habits like smoking that could impede the healing process 
  • Practice proper oral hygiene, as this plays a key role in the recovery process

Then, we’ll take several scans and X-rays of your teeth and jaw. This lets our team see whether or not your jaw can support future implants. If we believe you’re an ideal candidate for the all-on-4 implants, we’ll schedule your surgery and answer any questions you have.

If your jaw isn’t strong enough to support implants, we may recommend a bone graft. This procedure involves adding bone material to strengthen the jawbone and make it more suitable for implants.

The All-on-4 Procedure: What to Expect

When you show up for your surgery, there are a few key steps. First, your dentist will examine your mouth again. This will help us gain a proper understanding of how to proceed. Then, we’ll:

  1. Numb the area being treated.
  2. Make a small incision in your gum tissue to insert the titanium implant into the jaw.
  3. Stitch and seal the tissue to keep the implant in the right place.

After this post is installed, you’ll return home. It’ll take some time, but the titanium will soon fuse with your jaw and act as an anchoring post for the future implant. You’ll periodically return for follow-up appointments, during which we’ll monitor your recovery.

A dentist and a patient smiling while they look in a small handheld mirror admiring the new all-on-4 dental implant.

Once the titanium and bone have fused, we’ll have you return for the next steps. A small metal post, called an abutment, is installed onto the titanium post—this piece helps keep the artificial tooth in place. Then, all that’s left is to install a dental crown or artificial tooth. 

Tips for Recovering from Dental Implants

Typically, the above steps can be done over 2 appointments, though we may recommend an additional visit or 2 to make sure the process goes smoothly. Once the artificial tooth is installed, we’ll provide you with post-operation instructions, which typically include:

  • Keeping your mouth clean to prevent infection. Brush gently using a soft toothbrush, and use an antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Sticking to soft foods during the initial healing phase.
  • Avoiding tobacco and alcohol
  • Scheduling regular check-ups for proper healing.

Follow your instructions, and you should experience a smooth recovery!

Transform Your Smile Today

If you’re looking for an answer to missing teeth, the all-on-4 implant approach could be the solution—and our team at Heritage Pointe Dental is here to help. All-on-4 dental implants offer an excellent option for those living with missing or damaged teeth, and we can determine if this approach is right for you.

Book an appointment with us today and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier smile.

Written by Dr. Michael Trac

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