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Category: Cosmetic

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How Long Is a Dental Cleaning?

A woman with a dental bib sitting in a dentist’s chair and smiling into a handheld mirror

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the length of a dental cleaning. But a typical dental cleaning can last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. The exact length needed for your appointment depends largely on factors like your overall oral health and whether your dentist recommends any additional X-rays or other treatments. Life can get […]

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Does Invisalign® Hurt?

A young woman smiling and holding a clear aligner in her right hand

Invisalign, a dental treatment known for its subtlety and convenience, can be an excellent alternative to traditional braces. This approach uses clear plastic aligners to gently push your teeth to a preferred position. With the help of your dentist, you can achieve a straighter, healthier smile, but many people wonder: Does Invisalign hurt? Invisalign might […]

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Can Veneers Get Cavities?

A close-up of a man smiling with a dental bib and looking directly at the camera

The smile you’ve always wanted is within your reach. Veneers are like armour for your teeth. Your dentist can design veneers to give you straight, white teeth while successfully hiding flaws.  Veneers are also used to repair cosmetic abnormalities, such as chipping, stains, small gaps, and minor alignment issues. But if you have veneers, it […]

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