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Can You Drink Coffee with Invisalign?

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A smiling person working at their laptop is about to drink their cup of coffee.

For many people, coffee is an essential part of their daily routines. While we may know it can discolour our teeth, coffee can offer a much-needed boost to start the day or a comforting break in the afternoon. But when you’re wearing Invisalign aligners, things can get a bit complicated. To enjoy your cup of coffee, you should remove your Invisalign and store them safely first. Doing so will help prevent stains and potential warping of the aligners.

Eating & Drinking with Invisalign

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment designed to straighten teeth using a series of clear, removable aligners. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are made from a flexible thermoplastic material, which is nearly invisible when worn.

Invisalign can be easily removed for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. These aligners are designed to be worn for 20–22 hours a day, which should leave just enough time for drinks and meals. That means you won’t have to give up your favourite foods during your treatment plan, though you should take extra care with your oral hygiene.

The Impact of Coffee on Invisalign

Coffee is acidic and pigmented, which can pose a couple of significant issues for Invisalign users. The coffee’s dark colour is known for staining teeth, and the dark pigment can also stain Invisalign. Coffee’s acidity can also contribute to plaque buildup, which could affect both your teeth and the aligners themselves.

Since clear aligners are made from plastic, they become malleable when heated. Coffee and other hot drinks can potentially warp the plastic and significantly affect your treatment plan.

Foods & Drinks to Avoid

Coffee isn’t the only food or beverage to avoid during your Invisalign treatment. While most of the time you can take your aligner out to consume what you want, you need to do it at a time you can clean your teeth before putting it back in.

For example, sugary food particles can get trapped between the plastic and your teeth, giving bacteria a nice enclosed place to grow. The same can be said for staining foods and drinks, which can leave you needing teeth whitening after your teeth are aligned.

Take extra care with these kinds of foods during your treatment:

  • Sugary drinks and sodas, which can increase the risk of tooth decay
  • Wine and tea, which can stain your aligners like coffee and other pigmented foods.
  • Alcohol, which can be sugary, often contributing to plaque buildup on your teeth.
  • Sticky and chewy foods like caramel and gum can stick to your teeth and affect your aligner’s fit.

When consuming anything other than water, remove your Invisalign to help preserve your aligners and your teeth. Store your aligners safely and give your mouth a good clean before putting them back on.

Someone uses a soft brush to clean a clear Invisalign aligner.

Caring for Your Invisalign Aligners

You’ll swap out trays as you go through your treatment plan, but you’ll want to take care of your current aligner while you have it! To help maintain your aligners’ condition and efficacy, consider these tips:

  • Rinse immediately. After enjoying your coffee, rinse your mouth and your aligners with lukewarm water before putting them back in. This helps to wash away any residual coffee that could contribute to staining or decay.
  • Brush thoroughly. Take an extra moment to brush your teeth before putting your aligners in. However, give your teeth a break after drinking something acidic like coffee, as brushing immediately after drinking can damage your tooth enamel.
  • Place your aligners back on. Invisalign needs time to gradually shift your teeth. Remember to wear them for at least 22 hours a day

How to Clean Your Aligners 

Rinsing alone isn’t enough. Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is key to keeping your smile looking great and your treatment on track. Here’s how you can take care of them:

  • Use clear, anti-bacterial soap to clean your aligners and get rid of bacteria without any funky flavours or colours. Steer clear of coloured or scented soaps.
  • Brush your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do not use toothpaste, as it is mildly abrasive and can scratch the aligners.
  • Use lukewarm water to rinse and clean your Invisalign. Heat can warp the plastic and alter the fit of your aligners. 
  • Consider using Invisalign cleaning crystals or other aligner cleaning tablets. They’re great for tackling plaque and bacteria. Just soak your aligners as the instructions say.

Regularly cleaning your aligners helps prevent discolouration and unpleasant odours while supporting your oral health throughout your Invisalign journey.

Elevate Your Invisalign Experience

If you’re a coffee connoisseur or an early riser who needs the caffeine boost and you have Invisalign, don’t worry! You can still enjoy your favourite coffee. With a bit of care, you can keep your smile healthy and your Invisalign treatment on track.

If you’re looking to achieve a straighter smile, Heritage Pointe Dental is here to help! Our team can offer advice and personalized treatment plans to make your Invisalign journey a breeze. Book your appointment with us today and discover the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

Written by Dr. Michael Trac

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