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Can Veneers Get Cavities?

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The smile you’ve always wanted is within your reach. Veneers are like armour for your teeth. Your dentist can design veneers to give you straight, white teeth while successfully hiding flaws. 

Veneers are also used to repair cosmetic abnormalities, such as chipping, stains, small gaps, and minor alignment issues. But if you have veneers, it doesn’t mean you’ll have perfect teeth no matter what and will never have to book another appointment with the dentist for cavities or cleanings.

Veneers cannot develop cavities on their own, however, the teeth they are attached to are still vulnerable to cavities.

Even with veneers, it’s necessary to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day, just like you would your natural teeth.

Caring for Your Veneers

Caring for your veneers is a lot like caring for your natural teeth, however, it’s vital to remember that veneers result in a permanent change to the enamel of your teeth.  Because the enamel of your teeth must be reduced to accommodate the veneer placement, they cannot be removed without a plan for replacement.

When you have veneers, be sure to avoid eating foods that are excessively hard, sticky, or chewy because these foods can damage them. Avoid biting into hard objects, such as ice, and opening packages with your teeth.

Your veneers will need to be removed and replaced if they crack, chip, or a cavity forms at the gumline. You will need a crown fitted over your natural tooth to protect it if you don’t want your veneers replaced.

What Happens if You Get a Cavity With Veneers?

If a veneer chips, or if a cavity occurs at the gumline, the veneer must be replaced. Another alternative is to cover the tooth with a crown.

What is a Crown? 

A crown is a covering that is secured over a damaged tooth. To prepare the tooth for a crown, more of the tooth must be shaved down. 

Different Types of Veneers

To brighten your smile there are material options for your veneers:

Porcelain Veneers

The more aesthetically pleasing material for dental restorations is porcelain due to its ability to match the shade of your natural teeth and its uniform, smooth feel that resists stains. 

Because porcelain veneers are biocompatible, there are no significant changes to the gums and other soft tissues in your mouth. Porcelain veneers can last 10 years or longer if properly maintained.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are made of composite resin: a tooth-coloured filling that repairs damaged tooth structure. A typical composite resin is made of liquid epoxy resin and an inorganic filler, such as silica. 

Composite veneers, while sturdy, are not as long-lasting as porcelain veneers, with a lifespan of around 5 years.

Who are Veneers for? 

While veneers are a good option for perfecting teeth with minor flaws, veneers are not appropriate for everyone. If you want to look into veneers for your smile, your dentist can examine your teeth and gums to see whether you’re a good candidate. They will be looking for:

  • Teeth that are free of decay 
  • Good gum health
  • Enamel that is adequately thick 
  • Teeth that are mostly intact and show no evidence of grinding or clenching

Because veneers aren’t reversible, take your time with deciding. Consult with your dentist, consider your budget, and inquire if it is possible to see a digital representation of how your smile might look with veneers beforehand.  

A male dentist in blue scrubs and a woman sitting in a dentist's chair looking at a tablet

Deciding Which Option Is Best

Your smile and the health of your teeth can be enhanced by veneers and crowns, however, both treatments are designed for different purposes. It’s best to think about your goals for your smile before making any decisions. 

Veneers are often used for cosmetic purposes: to hide minor imperfections or to whiten and straighten your teeth, whereas crowns are often used for damaged teeth as they cover the entire tooth. 

If you require either option, book an appointment with Heritage Pointe Dental Centre to discuss with your dentist. 

Written by Heritage Pointe

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